This is the world of the necromancer named the Thenolian... Strange encounters, weird lands, disgusting thangs!!! All of this is here!!!
Xi in light !
This is Xi... Uuuh how I said that... This is my sweetheart, my girlfriend I love, this is my rainbow, my sun and also, my fabulous cooker!!! I love you my girl, you're the best thing who came in my life!
8 nhận xét:
Nặc danh
c'est une trés belle jeune femme et d'une agréable compagnie.
8 nhận xét:
c'est une trés belle jeune femme et d'une agréable compagnie.
elle est magnifique et à l'air trés coquine!
trés belle et intéressante jeune femme.
I'm glad for you two! she's a beautiful girl!
this is good new bro! I like this photo of you loving girl!
very cute! and the photos are stylish!
very sexy girl! I hope it's a long and intense story for you!
I like her red dress and her smile!
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